Below you will find a list of albums and EPs reviewed in this site categorised per their release year. The list only contains albums already reviewed, i.e. will be continuously updated.

Any albums that consist of previously released material or any kind of archival releases (i.e. compilations, historic live albums, etc) are listed based on the year of their official release. Any CD singles I have reviewed have not been included in the below list.

Compilations and archival releases have been noted down in blue.
Live albums have been noted in tan.
Albums which have received a perfect 10/10 score are noted down in yellow.

1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020
1971 1981 1991 2001 2011 2021
1972 1982 1992 2002 2012 2022
1973 1983 1993 2003 2013
1974 1984 1994 2004 2014 2024
1975 1985 1995 2005 2015
1976 1986 1996 2006 2016
1977 1987 1997 2007 2017
1978 1988 1998 2008 2018
1979 1989 1999 2009 2019

1970 - 1979

Bush, Kate The Kick Inside 7
Bush, Kate Lionheart 8

1980 - 1989

Bush, Kate Never for Ever 6
Bush, Kate The Dreaming 8
R.E.M. Chronic Town EP 8
R.E.M. Murmur 9
R.E.M. Reckoning 6
Bush, Kate Hounds of Love 8
R.E.M. Fables of the Reconstruction 7
Pet Shop Boys Please 7
R.E.M. Life's Rich Pageant 8
Pet Shop Boys Actually 8
R.E.M. Dead Letter Office 5
R.E.M. Document 7
Pet Shop Boys Introspective 9
R.E.M. Green 8
Bush, Kate The Sensual World 8

1990 - 1999

CMX Kolmikärki 4
Manic Street Preachers New Art Riot EP 6
Pet Shop Boys Behaviour 9
CMX Veljeskunta 6
R.E.M. Out of Time 9
Aphex Twin Selected Ambient Works 85-92 8
CMX Aurinko 5
Manic Street Preachers Generation Terrorists 8
Manic Street Preachers Stars and Stripes: Generation Terrorists US Mix 7
R.E.M. Automatic for the People 10
Various Artists Smash 11 7
Bush, Kate The Red Shoes 7
Manic Street Preachers Gold Against the Soul 8
Pet Shop Boys Relentless 7
Pet Shop Boys Very 9
Radiohead Pablo Honey 6
CMX Aura 8
Frusciante, John Niandra LaDes & Usually Just a T-Shirt 3
Manic Street Preachers The Holy Bible 9
R.E.M. Monster 8
Radiohead My Iron Lung EP 5
CMX Rautakantele 8
Kent Kent 6
Pet Shop Boys Alternative 8
Radiohead The Bends 7
SIG Hyvää syntymäpäivää: 18 hittiä 4
The Ark The Ark EP 5
CMX Discopolis 7
Kent Verkligen 7
Manic Street Preachers Everything Must Go 8
Pet Shop Boys Bilingual 8
R.E.M. New Adventures in Hi-Fi 9
Bright Eyes A Collection of Songs Written and Recorded 1995-1997 5
CMX Cloaca Maxima 8
Frusciante, John Smile from the Streets You Hold 2
Kent Isola 8
Mew A Triumph for Man 8
Radiohead OK Computer 9
Bright Eyes Letting Off the Happiness 7
CMX Vainajala 7
Death Cab for Cutie Something About Airplanes 7
Manic Street Preachers This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours 10
McConnell, Peter Grim Fandango: Original Game Soundtrack 6
Neutral Milk Hotel In the Aeroplane Over the Sea 7
R.E.M. Up 10
Radiohead Airbag/How Am I Driving? 7
Various Artists Joulu pulkassa: 20 toisenlaista joululaulua 6
Bright Eyes Every Day and Every Night EP 6
Kent Hagnesta Hill 7
Moore, Lennie Outcast: Original Soundtrack 9
Pet Shop Boys Nightlife 9
Sonic the Hedgehog Digi-Log Conversation: Sonic Adventure Original Sound Track 9

2000 - 2009

The Ark We Are The Ark 8
Bright Eyes Fevers and Mirrors 8
CMX Dinosaurus Stereophonicus 8
Death Cab for Cutie The Forbidden Love EP 8
Death Cab for Cutie We Have the Facts and We're Voting Yes 8
Kent B-Sidor 95-00 7
Mew Half the World Is Watching Me 9
Radiohead Kid A 8
1 Giant Leap 1 Giant Leap 7
Bee Gees Their Greatest Hits: The Record 7
Death Cab for Cutie The Photo Album 8
Frusciante, John To Record Only Water for Ten Days 9
Frusciante, John From the Sounds Inside 7
Houge, Ben Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura OST 8
Kela, Anssi Nummela 8
Manic Street Preachers Know Your Enemy 10
The National The National 6
Neoangin A Friendly Dog in an Unfriendly World 7
>R.E.M. Reveal 10
Radiohead Amnesiac 7
Radiohead I Might Be Wrong: Live Recordings 8
The Shins Oh, Inverted World 7
Sonic the Hedgehog Cuts Unleashed: Sonic Adventure 2 Vocal Collection 10
Sonic the Hedgehog Multi-Dimensional: Sonic Adventure 2 Original Sound Track 10
Sonic the Hedgehog Sonic the Hedgehog 10th Anniversary 8
Various Artists Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition 8
The Ark In Lust We Trust 9
Bright Eyes A Christmas Album 7
Bright Eyes Lifted or the Story Is in the Soil, Keep Your Ear to the Ground 10
Bright Eyes There Is No Beginning to This Story EP 7
CMX Isohaara 7
Death Cab for Cutie The Stability EP 9
Death Cab for Cutie You Can Play These Songs with Chords (Expanded Edition) 7
Desaparecidos Read Music/Speak Spanish 7
The Flaming Lips Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots 8
Kent Vapen & ammunition 8
Manic Street Preachers Forever Delayed: The Greatest Hits 8
Queens of the Stone Age Songs for the Deaf 8
Arcade Fire Arcade Fire EP 7
CMX Aion 9
Death Cab for Cutie Transatlanticism 9
Manic Street Preachers Lipstick Traces: A Secret History Of 8
Mew Frengers 10
The National Sad Songs for Dirty Lovers 7
The Postal Service Give Up 9
Radiohead Hail to the Thief 8
The Shins Chutes Too Narrow 5
Travis 12 Memories 8
Arcade Fire Funeral 9
The Ark The State of The Ark 7
Ataxia Automatic Writing 5
Blossoms Blossoms EP 7
Bright Eyes & Neva Dinova One Jug of Wine, Two Vessels EP 7
CMX Cloaca Maxima II 9
Frusciante, John Shadows Collide with People 10
Frusciante, John The Will to Death 8
Frusciante, John DC EP 6
Frusciante, John Inside of Emptiness 7
John Frusciante & Josh Klinghoffer A Sphere in the Heart of Silence 8
Manic Street Preachers Lifeblood 10
Manic Street Preachers The Holy Bible (10th Anniversary Edition) 9
Minogue, Kylie Ultimate Kylie 8
The National Cherry Tree EP 8
R.E.M. Around the Sun 7
Radiohead Com Lag (2plus2isfive) 7
Scissor Sisters Scissor Sisters 9
Shatner, William Has Been 8
Sonic the Hedgehog Complete Trinity: Sonic Heroes Original Soundtrack 9
Sonic the Hedgehog Triple Threat: Sonic Heroes Vocal Trax 9
Various Artists World of Warcraft OST 7
Bright Eyes Digital Ash in a Digital Urn 9
Bright Eyes I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning 7
Bright Eyes Motion Sickness: Live Recordings 6
Bush, Kate Aerial 10
CMX Pedot 9
Death Cab for Cutie The John Byrd EP 7
Death Cab for Cutie Plans 10
Desert Planet Mario Built My Hot Rod 6
Frusciante, John Curtains 8
Kent Du & jag döden 9
Kent The Hjärta & smärta EP 6
Manic Street Preachers God Save the Manics EP 8
Mew And the Glass Handed Kites 9
The National Alligator 9
Prologue Stars Are Holes in the Sky EP 8
They Might Be Giants A User's Guide to They Might Be Giants 7
Various Artists Help!: A Day in the Life 8
Blossoms Blossoms 7
Bradfield, James Dean The Great Western 8
Bright Eyes Noise Floor (Rarities: 1998-2005) 8
Guillemots From the Cliffs 9
Guillemots Of the Night EP 8
Guillemots Through the Windowpane 10
Magenta Skycode IIIII 7
Manic Street Preachers Everything Must Go (10th Anniversary Edition) 8
R.E.M. And I Feel Fine... The Best of the I.R.S. Years 1982-1987 9
Sonic the Hedgehog Shadow the Hedgehog Original Soundtrax 7
Wire, Nicky I Killed the Zeitgeist 8
Thom Yorke The Eraser 7
Arcade Fire Neon Bible 10
The Ark Prayer for the Weekend 6
Bat for Lashes Fur and Gold 6
Bright Eyes Cassadaga 10
Bright Eyes Four Winds EP 8
CMX Talvikuningas 8
Death Cab for Cutie Codes and Keys 7
Fields Everything Last Winter 8
Kent Tillbaka till samtiden 8
Manic Street Preachers Send Away the Tigers 5
The National Boxer 10
R.E.M. Live 6
Radiohead In Rainbows 9
Radiohead In Rainbows Disk 2 7
Rubik Bad Conscience Patrol 8
Rubik Jesus Vs. People 7
The Shins Wincing the Night Away 9
Death Cab for Cutie Narrow Stairs 8
Guillemots Red 8
Kent Box 1991-2008 9
Lady Gaga The Fame 5
The National The Virginia EP 8
Noah and the Whale Peaceful, the World Lays Me Down 8
Conor Oberst Conor Oberst 7
R.E.M. Accelerate 8
Squirrelhouse SPQR 7
Bat for Lashes Two Suns 8
Death Cab for Cutie The Open Door EP 7
Frusciante, John The Empyrean 7
Grammatics Grammatics 6
Guillemots Walk the River 9
Kent Röd 9
Lady Gaga The Fame Monster 8
Manic Street Preachers Journal for Plague Lovers 8
Mew No More Stories... 7
Monsters of Folk Monsters of Folk 7
Noah and the Whale The First Days of Spring 8
Conor Oberst & The Mystic Valley Band Outer South 5
R.E.M. Live at the Olympia 8
Rubik Dada Bandits 10

2010 - 2019

Arcade Fire The Suburbs 8
The Ark In Full Regalia 4
CMX Iäti 6
Fyfe Dangerfield Fly Yellow Moon 6
Kent En plats i solen 7
Kirahvi Nimeltä Tuike Lehtipeitteen suojelijat 8
Magenta Skycode Relief 8
Manic Street Preachers Postcards from a Young Man 7
Janelle Monáe The ArchAndroid 8
Morgan, Mark Vault Archives 8
The National High Violet 10
Teitur Let the Dog Drive Home 8
Bright Eyes Live Recordings EP 8
Bright Eyes The People's Key 9
Bush, Kate 50 Words for Snow 8
Bush, Kate Director's Cut 6
Death Cab for Cutie Codes and Keys 7
Lady Gaga Born This Way 5
Noah and the Whale Last Night on Earth 6
R.E.M. Collapse into Now 8
Radiohead The King of Limbs 7
Rubik Solar 8
Sonic the Hedgehog Sonic the Hedgehog 1 & 2 Soundtrack 9
Sonic the Hedgehog Sonic the Hedgehog CD Original Soundtrack 20th Anniversary Edition 7
Bat for Lashes The Haunted Man 7
Frusciante, John Letur-Lefr EP 8
Frusciante, John PBX Funicular Intaglio Zone 5
Benjamin Gibbard Former Lives 7
Guillemots Hello Land! 8
Kent Jag är inte rädd för mörkret 7
Manic Street Preachers Generation Terrorists (20th Anniversary Deluxe Edition) 8
Conor Oberst & The Mystic Valley Band One of My Kind 7
The Shins Port of Morrow 6
Various Artists Strong Love: Songs of Gay Liberation 1972-1981 8
Aino Venna Marlene 6
Arcade Fire Reflektor 9
CMX Seitsentahokas 5
Frusciante, John Outsides EP 5
Lady Gaga ARTPOP 7
Manic Street Preachers Rewind the Film 7
The National Trouble Will Find Me 8
Rubik Fake Music Mixtape 7
Studio Killers Studio Killers 9
Afternoons Afternoons 7
Foster the People Supermodel 9
Frusciante, John Enclosure 5
Tuomas Holopainen Music Inspired by the Life and Times of Scrooge 7
Kent Tigerdrottningen 6
Manic Street Preachers Futurology 9
Conor Oberst Upside Down Mountain 6
R.E.M. Unplugged 1991 & 2001: The Complete Sessions 8
CMX Mesmeria 5
Death Cab for Cutie Kintsugi 5
Desaparecidos Payola 7
EL VY Return to the Moon 8
Mew +- 8
Squirrelhouse Friends 9
Studio Killers Live Experience 2014 8
Bat for Lashes The Bride 6
Kate Bush Before the Dawn 9
CMX Cloaca Maxima III 7
Japanese Breakfast Psychopomp 8
Kent Då som nu för alltid 8
Lady Gaga Joanne 5
Conor Oberst Ruminations 8
Radiohead A Moon Shaped Pool 8
Arcade Fire Everything Now 8
Disney The Legacy Collection: Robin Hood 8
Japanese Breakfast Soft Sounds from Another Planet 9
Leinonen, Ville Hei taas 6
Lorde Melodrama 8
Manic Street Preachers Send Away the Tigers (10 Year Collector's Edition) 7
Mew Visuals 6
The National Sleep Well Beast 9
Conor Oberst Salutations 7
The Shins Heartworms 6
CMX Alkuteos 8
Death Cab for Cutie Thank You for Today 8
Jon Hopkins Singularity 8
Manic Street Preachers Resistance Is Futile 6
Manic Street Preachers This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours (20th Anniversary Collector's Edition) 10
The National Boxer: Live in Brussels 8
R.E.M. R.E.M. at the BBC 7
The Shins The Worm's Heart 7
Better Oblivion Community Center Better Oblivion Community Center 8
Kate Bush The Other Sides 7
Death Cab for Cutie The Blue EP 7
The National I Am Easy to Find 10

2020 - 2029

Matt Berninger Serpentine Prison 6
Bright Eyes Down in the Weeds, Where the World Once Was 8
Death Cab for Cutie The Georgia EP 6
Glass Animals Dreamland 8
Lady Gaga Chromatica 7
Manic Street Preachers Gold Against the Soul (Deluxe Edition) 8
The Postal Service Everything Will Change 9
Various Artists Lost Christmas: A Festive Memphis Industries Selection Box 8
Japanese Breakfast Jubilee 8
Japanese Breakfast Sable: Original Soundtrack 8
Manic Street Preachers The Ultra Vivid Lament 8
Arcade Fire We 7
Joakim Berg Jag fortsätter glömma 5
Death Cab for Cutie Asphalt Meadows 8
Manic Street Preachers Gold Against the Soul (Deluxe Edition) 8
Manic Street Preachers Sleep Next to Plastic 5
Manic Street Preachers Lifeblood (20th Anniversary Deluxe Edition) 10